
Past Events

Meeting with Dr. D. Suresh, Commissioner, Gurgaon Division – 28th July 2017

Members of the Northern Region Council led by Mr. Varun Khanna, Managing Director, Becton Dickinson India Private Limited, had a meeting with Dr. D. Suresh, Commissioner, Gurgaon Division, in his office on 28th July 2017 in his office. Ms. Madhvi Kataria, Deputy Director General, AMCHAM, spoke about AMCHAM and Mr. Varun Khanna gave an overview of the activities of the members of AMCHAM in the Northern Region Council. The capability deck prepared on the basis of inputs received from companies based in the northern region was shared with Dr. Suresh. There was discussion on the areas in which U.S. companies were operating in Haryana, the employment generated, etc. AMCHAM requested Dr. Suresh to pinpoint the areas where American companies could assist the Government of Haryana. Lack of skill development in Haryana was a major cause of concern. Dr. Suresh said that a forum could be put together where government officials from Gurgaon District and AMCHAM members could interact once a month.